The “NOT to do” List

 Just as important as a “To Do” List is a NOT to do list.  Below are some time and energy wasters that we can all commit to doing less of in order to simplify our lives, be more productive and focus on what really matters.

  1. Getting caught up in distractions.  Be about action, not distraction.  One side effect of living through a pandemic is we’re all a little more addicted to our screens. To be your most productive self, commit to turning off notifications, checking email only a few times a day and limiting time on social media apps.  It’s easy to set limits on those apps in your phone settings and really helps limit the mindless scrolling we can all get sucked into. Be really intentional about who you follow on social media and make sure that content is contributing to your growth, happiness, peace or productivity. And remember, you can’t do big things if you’re distracted by small things.
  2. Feeling guilty.  Be gentle with yourself.  Whether it’s a messy house or not checking everything off your to-do list, release the guilt that can cause us to feel paralyzed. You can reframe your to-do list to ask instead of “what did I get done today” to “what did I contribute today”?  As long as you’re putting in your best effort and have a growth mindset, you can let go of the guilt.
  3. Giving weight  to the judgments/opinions of others. Judging others or put Judging reflects more on the person doing the judging than the one being judged.  Living in alignment with your truth and your values is always going to make you happier and more fulfilled than living a life to avoid judgment. I live by the quote “Be kind. For everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about”.
  4. Negative thinking. Negativity drains our energy.  It can also prevent us from dreaming big and doing the things we really want to do. A gratitude practice is a great way to combat negative thinking.  Start by thinking of what you’re most grateful for before you go to sleep and when you first wake up.  “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” – Marcus Aurelius
  5. Overcommitting.  Before committing to anything, take at least 30 minutes to check in with yourself in order to decide if it’s really right for you.  If it’s not a heck yes, it’s a no.  It’s more important to guard your valuable time and use it on your priorities and goals than it is to say yes out of guilt or obligation and later feel resentment.
  6. Worrying.  It’s human to worry but worrying serves no helpful purpose and wastes time that could be spent doing more productive things. “Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” – Leo F. Buscaglia

I hope these reminders are helpful.  Sometimes simply go of things that sap our joy and peace can lead to exponentially more focus and productivity.  Wishing you a productive and peaceful week!

